Latest Sightings November 2014

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For previous months sightings see Archive

The "Area Seen" refers to the 10 sections that the Brook has been split into for monitoring purposes (see Wildlife page under Monitoring ).

All sightings unless stated are from personal observations by Eddie Napper

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Little Egret The first Little Egret for a long time was seen circling over Area 5 this morning. A flock of approx 30 Redwing were also milling around . A Moorhen was on the Emm.


Pied Wagtail A Kingfisher was again by Kingfisher Bridge in Area 4 this morning, downstream of Dragonfly bridge was a male Bullfinch . 2 Pied Wagtails were in the balancing pond.


Not much to report today in Area 5, 2 Grey Heron flew over and a few Herring Gull were milling about. The Grey Wagtail has returned and seems to show an intrest in my neighbours roof.


A Mistle Thrush was seen in Area 10 near the Emm on the closed Golf Course by Steven Day


A Kingfisher was seen again at Kingfisher Bridge at 11:30 today.


Based on the tip off from Malcolm I visited Kingfisher Bridge at 08:30 and sat in a riverside bush was the Kingfisher who saw me and flew upstream to be replaced by a Grey Wagtail.


Fraser Cottington was in the Area 10 Lavells Lake car park field around 15:00. and saw 3-4 groups of Fieldfare, totaling about 90, 34 being the largest flock, a flock of 100 font color=#FFOOOO>Redwing,, approx 40 Greenfinch, the first 2 Lesser Redpoll of the Autumn over towards Lavell's Lake probably to roost, 1 Buzzard settled on a distant vent, on the landefill site, numerous Red Kites heading to an unknown roost, 1 Cetti's Warbler calling at the back of Lavell's Lake , a Pheasant that walked in front of him a Great Spoted Woodpecker ,Green Woodpecker, Goldcrest, and a Bullfinch .


Malcolm Dunmore emailed the FOTEB site to let us know that he had seen a Kingfisher on at least 3 ocassions this week in Area 4 near Meadow Road bridge.


Fraser Cottington had a quick stroll around the Area 10 car park field at lunchtime today, and found a few Redwing, 2 Goldcrestand Ring-necked Parakeet heard.


Grey Heron With the weekend comes a bit more time to stand and stare. In Area 5, 25 species of birds were seen by 10:00. Highlights included a Kingfisher flying across my garden to investigate a neighbours pond at 07:15. A Sparrowhawk was pursing a Blackbird to the rear of Morrisons, the final outcome was unknown. A Grey Wagtail was in the balancing pond. The predicted rain was a bit late and a walk in Area 2 (behind Tesco's) late morning added another 5 with Buzzard, Kestrel & Grey Heron and as expected in this rural area a field with at least 150 feeding Rook & Jackdaw


Fraser Cottington saw Redwings coming to roost in Area 10 at the Lavells Lake car park field at 16:30. Also a a small unidentified raptor went over the sailing club car park.


Rain Bathing The 2 Mute Swan cygnets were on the Emm again. this morning by Dragonfly Bridge to the rear of Morrisons. In the early rain 2 Collared Dove were "Rain bathing " holding thir wings skyward to allow the rain to get into their feathers. They then preened for about 5 minutes. 3 Egyptian Goose flew over S calling noisly.


Mute Swan In Area 5 by Dragonfly Bridge to the rear of Morrisons the 2 Mute Swan cygnets were swimming up and down the Emm between the bridges.


09/11/4 In Area 10 a Hornet Vespa crabro was seen feeding in the sunshine on Ivy flowers.


Marbled Carpet - In Area 5 this morning a very worn Common Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta truncata was on my garage.



Great Reedmace In Area 2 Great Reedmace Typha latifoli can be seen. Great Reedmace, is also mistakenly known as 'Bulrush'. It is a familiar plant of freshwater margins such as the edges of ponds, lake, ditches and rivers. Its impressive stance - with long leaves and tall stems - makes it stand out from other wetlands plants. And its sausage-like flower heads are unmistakeable.



Chicken of the woods On an Oak tree near Meadow Road bridge was Chicken of the Woods or Sulphur Polypore Laetiporus sulphureus . One of those bracket fungi that are instantly recognisable and a joy to behold.


Hairy Curtain Crust There are very many species of fungi, perhaps 8 times as many species of fungi as flowering plants in UK so it is a huge task to learn them all, indeed even the experts struggle. However in Area 5 one of the commoner fungi Hairy Curtain Crust Stereum hirsutum was on a log of a felled tree.


Fly Agaric In Area 5 a few more Fly Agaric Amanita muscaria have emerged under the Silver Birch trees.


Other Wildlife

Fish/ Crustacean



Mole Hills In Area 5 a Mole Talpa europaea has been very busy, with these mole hills appearing overnight.. -


For a review of the sightings along the Emm for the first 8 months of 2014 click here May - August 2014 Sightings

January - April 2014 Sightings

For a review of 2012 sightings click here 2012 Sightings

For a review of 2013 sightings click here 2013 Sightings